Bridging the Privacy Office with IT

Good privacy office programs work best when coupled with good data knowledge. From PIAs, to DSARs and RoPAs, privacy process has its greatest impact and validity when married to actual…

Build a Scan-based PII & PI Inventory for CCPA or GDPR

Find, identify, and inventory any personal information in any data source or pipeline. Output to BigID or a 3rd party RoPA or DPIA. Validate survey-based PII inventories. Track changes in…

Draft Bill: American Data Privacy and Protection Act

…that qualify as “large data holders”, which is defined in the bill. Entities that qualify as large data holders would also be required to conduct privacy impact assessments (“PIAs”) that…

NDMO Framework: Streamlining Compliance in Saudi Arabia

…data transfers and seek automated approvals as necessary. Data Protection Assessments: Utilize automated tools to conduct privacy impact assessments (PIA) for such transfers. Compliance Monitoring and Reporting: Real-Time Compliance Monitoring:…