Is the U.K.’s data protection landscape fit for EU personal data? When the U.K. officially left Europe at the beginning of this year, it kicked off formal negotiations for a data adequacy decision that would maintain the free flow of personal data — and with the Dec. 31 deadline just around the corner, time is running out.
Regulators on both sides of the aisle — and across the globe — are increasingly concerned about what a “no-deal” data adequacy world would look like.
Despite the U.K.’s arguably comprehensive data protection framework, the potential ramifications of another “Schrems II” privacy invalidation upset has potential ramifications for U.K. companies — and beyond.
At the same time, the U.K. is poised to negotiate its own post-Brexit data transfer agreement with the United States. What could this look like and how can U.S. privacy professionals prepare?
Tune in to this privacy education web conference with Hogan Lovells’ Julian Flamant, CIPP/E, BBB National Program’s Cobun Zweifel-Keegan, CIPP/US, CIPM, and BigID’s Heather Federman, CIPP/US, to hear about top considerations for privacy professionals as they brace themselves for the potential aftermath of the Brexit transition period — with or without a formal EU-U.K. adequacy decision in place.