Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)Policy


BigID Inc. (“BigID”) is a privately held corporation founded in 2016 offering and developing a modern extensible platform for privacy, protection, and perspective – across all data, everywhere. BigID’s data intelligence platform enables organizations to know and understand their enterprise data. Customers deploy BigID to proactively discover, manage, protect, and get more value from their regulated, sensitive, and personal data across their data landscape. BigID aims to enable its customers to know their data, action their data, and unleash the value of data.

BigID believes that its ESG principles are vital to the company’s continued success as well as the successful delivery of its products and platform to its customers. BigID is committed to integrating ESG into its growth, development, and regular business operations. This ESG Policy outlines BigID’s approach to integrating ESG in its business and corporate activities. As BigID expands and evolves, the company will continuously seek new ways to implement a positive impact on people, communities, and the planet.


BigID believes in a responsibility to respect and improve the environment. From its formation, BigID has worked to implement sustainable business practices. BigID is a global company and values limiting tangible waste and storage. The Company utilizes various digital and electronic technologies for its communications, file storage, file transmission, performance obligations, and contract execution. BigID has made it a priority and will continue to make efforts to reduce its carbon footprint, reduce the amount of waste created and disposed of, and where possible and reasonable, increase use of clean energy. BigID has and will continue to incorporate sustainability into all aspects of operations and aims to reach its goals through a combination of energy conservation, waste reduction, environmental stewardship, employee engagement, community engagement, and external partnerships.


BigID is a global organization and recognizes that as it grows and achieves its goals, BigID should use its influence to impact positive change in its employees, communities, industry, and the world as a whole. BigID has strived to ensure its work environment, policies, and treatment of employees, vendors, customers, and partners will stand out as an example in the world economy as BigID aims to be a leader within its industry.

BigID is working to strengthen its commitment to social responsibility and since its foundation in 2016, social responsibility helped form part of the core to who and what BigID is as an organization. BigID has worked tirelessly to be a top ranked employer by its employees, as well as a valued ally to all of its partners, customers, and vendors.

BigID prioritizes hiring and retaining the best talent throughout the world and creating a safe and welcoming workplace where people feel valued. BigID offers competitive compensation and benefits to all regular full-time employees, including but not limited to paid holiday, vacation, and sick time, retirement savings plans, medical, dental, and vision coverage, and paid parental leave. BigID has also created and offers a very generous equity compensation program that empowers employees to act and feel like owners, not just day to day workers.

BigID embraces and values diversity no matter the form: gender, health, age, ethnicity, or cultural background. Offering and practicing equal opportunity is integral in every aspect of BigID’s people processes including recruitment, promotion, and retainment. BigID maintains a positive workplace, working tirelessly to keep BigID free from discrimination and harassment. Regular training and learning opportunities are available for employees and leaders to continuously expand their understanding of diversity. BigID has implemented compensation plans to emphasize pay equity and mutual respect, as well as the promotion of an environment of fairness and equality. BigID is undoubtedly committed to diversity and inclusion at all levels of the organization, including at the board level. BigID understands and agrees that diversity strengthens board performance and promotes long-term company value.


BigID is a global company with employees and leadership located in different countries, time zones, and cultures. BigID has established and adheres to corporate governance policies and procedures that ensure its leadership puts ethics and mitigation of risk at the forefront of all business decisions. BigID’s Board of Directors and the guidelines for admittance to the Board were implemented to ensure strong corporate guidance, corporate accountability, and risk mitigation. BigID is proud of its effective and highly skilled Board of Directors. BigID promotes board independence and embraces board diversity including skills, experience, gender, ethnicity, and race.

BigID also works to create an environment of transparency. BigID holds regular meetings with all employees to update its internal stakeholders on company successes and goals, as well as corporate and leadership activities. BigID believes in holding itself accountable to its employees and stakeholders.

BigID has implemented several corporate policies, including an Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy and a Code of Business Conduct and Ethics policy for its employees and Board of Directors to adhere to. These policies are regularly updated and reviewed and every BigID Director and Employee must read, acknowledge and sign the policy to perform services on behalf of BigID. The goal of these policies are to reassure employees, customers, partners, vendors, and investors that BigID is committed to legal, ethical, and honest business practices.

BigID’s leadership, directors and all employees conduct themselves in accordance with the highest moral and ethical standards as outlined in different company policies including its employee handbook. BigID has published internal policies to encourage honest and direct communication to resolve any issues and concerns expeditiously. BigID encourages and has known outlets to receive reports, complaints, or anonymous reports of suspected compliance violations, unlawful or unethical behavior, or fraud. BigID takes any potential matter serious and works together at all levels to find the best resolution.

In its operations as a global software technology company, BigID has no tangible supply chain. BigID’s products and services are Composed of source code conceived by skilled and compensated engineers. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company is committed to ensuring its operations and business practices embody the anti-slavery slavery and anti-human trafficking standards and efforts around the globe. Through its diligence of reviewing its employees, customers, partners, consultants, and subcontractors, BigID works to identify, mitigate, prevent, and remedy human trafficking, slavery, servitude, forced, compulsory, or involuntary labor, and the Worst Forms of Child Labor (as defined by International Labour Organization (“ILO”) standards) in its operations. In addition, BigID strives to follow to the UK Modern Slavery Act, the United Nations International Bill of Human Rights, the ILO’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.


This ESG Policy applies across BigID’s business operations and representatives and is reviewed annually to account for any needed updates, changes, and or discoveries in the ever evolving economy. This ESG Policy was last updated in April 2024 and is subject to change as the company considers it necessary or advisable. BigID aims to review this policy on an annual basis and is always open to feedback and suggestions from its employees, leadership, Board, customers, and partners.