The BigID App Development Framework

…support for Java, Javascript, Node.js or Python API hooks for classification, cataloging, correlation, cluster analysis, scan management, reporting, workflow, alerting and more UI integration for Angular or React Secure deployment…

4 Ways to Mature Your DCAM Capabilities with BigID

for scaling governance apply labels for faster identification and categorization How To Get Ahead of DCAM with BigID Here are four key critical capabilities that organizations can execute on to…

Data-Centric Security for Google

…Centralize Data Security for Google These exciting developments advance us towards our goal of giving you the power of complete data visibility and control across your Google environment. In addition

Why Metadata Is a Strategic Asset

…Personal Information, Personally Identifiable information, sensitive data, critical data elements Detailed information Definition, descriptions, data object name, data object type, data object location, timestamps, etc Grouping Information Categories, Projects, Lines…