Holistic DSPM

Safeguarding Digital Landscapes: A Hub for All Things DSPM

Holistic DSPM goes beyond conventional security measures, offering a unified approach that integrates data protection into the very fabric of an organization. It combines proactive risk management, compliance adherence, and continuous monitoring, creating a robust defense against ever-evolving threats in the digital landscape.

Leveraging the BigIDea on DSPM

Automatically identify and protect sensitive and regulated data across the cloud and SaaS with data security posture management (DSPM) to mitigate the risk of unauthorized exposure and regulatory non-compliance.

Get complete visibility and control across all of your data to assess and improve your security posture wherever your data resides. Reduce risk across the multi-cloud with a data-centric approach: automatically map, monitor, and remediate data all under one platform.

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Elevating Data Security to a New Paradigm

Comprehensive Risk Management

Identify vulnerabilities, assess risks, and implement proactive measures to fortify digital defenses.

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Strengthening Defenses

Ensure compliance with industry standards and adapt to evolving regulations, providing organizations with the agility to navigate the complex landscape of data protection laws.

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Unveiling Real Data Insights for Informed Decision-Making

Explore how the precision of SQL scanning goes beyond the surface, meticulously examining real data structures to enhance data security.

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Essential Considerations for Secure DSPM Deployments

Examine key factors to ensure a secure deployment, from access controls to encryption, safeguarding your digital landscape against evolving threats and vulnerabilities.

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Expand Your DSPM Knowledge

What is DSPM? Data Security Posture Management 101

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