Automate Data Retention for More Than 220 Countries

Companies retain all kinds of data for different purposes. Retention laws and regulations for different types of data vary in accordance with country-specific laws. In addition, specific data may need to be retained for a legal hold that would supersede a country or data-type retention regulation
Organizations need to know what kind of data they are storing, what regulations apply to that data, and how to establish and execute policies for compliance. For organizations operating internationally, the challenge of adhering to various country regulations is even more complex. At any given time, retention laws also may be added or altered, so data teams need to stay on their toes to adjust and execute new policies for their company.
Automate Discovery and Retention Policy Application
Together, BigID and filerskeepers automate the complex task of applying data retention policies. BigID identifies what the data is and the BigID Policy Manager attaches policies to the affected data. Filerskeepers provides complete and current detailed retention policy schedules. Customers use BigID to ingest the filerskeepers retention schedules as executable policies that BigID can connect to the relevant data to automate the complex task of connecting retention policies to data.

Updating Data with New or Changed Policies
BigID and filerskeepers provide a partner solution that keeps data environments current. BigID scans for incremental changes to find new data in the environment — and filerskeepers provides updates to the policies as needed. Automating data discovery and trusting an expert with policy tracking is more efficient than trying to tackle the problem with manual effort.
Retention Management Benefits with BigID
Together, filerskeepers and BigID enable organizations to automate their global data retention strategy by utilizing a policy-driven retention management solution for all data, everywhere.
- Maintain compliance across different kinds of data with geography laws
- Apply consistent and complete retention policies across all data sources and types
- Eliminate manual effort to research retention policies and translate to IT
- Automatically adjust for regulation changes by uploading new retention schedules
- Automatically connect retention policies to affected data
- Reduce the risk of exposure from saving data longer than needed
- Save storage costs by following retention policies to eliminate expired data
- Avoid fines for noncompliance
- Save data needed for legal holds
Download the datasheet here and request a demo to see how BigID and filerskeepers can automate data retention policies for efficiency and compliance.