Data Intelligence Reporting

Automated & Informative Dashboards, Reports, & Analytics about Your Data Initiatives

Reporting APIs

Leverage BigID’s set of APIs to address your own, unique reporting needs. Pull the right data from across the platform that meets your requirements.

App & Product Dashboards

Utilize dashboards summarizing the key metrics gleaned from BigID apps. Dashboards are available out of the box and provide basic drill-down capabilities.

Core Reports

Use pre-built reports that summarize the most important insights across data security and privacy. Configure reports with the right metrics to help drive awareness and decisions.

Out-of-the-Box Reports

Utilize pre-defined reports generated automatically by BigID. Export in PDF format and send to the right people, on-demand.

Executive Risk Report

Automate an informative and actionable executive summary about your data risk posture. Drive awareness and decision-making using key insights about data at risk, holistically, and monitor risk reduction over time. Schedule the automatic delivery to the right stakeholders.

Data Insights Studio

Develop your own rich and insightful reporting and analytics about your data. Define and monitor key metrics about your data privacy, security, and governance initiatives to better understand risk. Empower users with self-service, customizable reporting. Schedule delivery and automate alerts around KPIs.

Hotspot Reporting

Identify, prioritize, and remediate your riskiest data through rich data sensitivity visualization and reporting. Automatically visualize your sensitivity hotspots – by size or by density. View hotspots across different attributes like sensitivity levels, tags, accessibility, and more. Drill down to analyze each hotspot for further analysis.

Get Started

Reporting & Analytics Done Differently

  • Proactive & Actionable
  • Automated Reporting
  • Connect Across the Platform
  • Historical Trend Analysis
  • Multi-Site Reporting
  • Self-Service
  • Schedule Delivery
  • Flexible Options