Cluster Analysis
Automatically find similar, redundant, and duplicate data

Fuzzy Classification
Automatically identify similar, duplicate, and redundant data across your entire data landscape. Quickly filter down by sensitivity, data sources, attributes, and duplicates.
Apply unsupervised machine learning techniques to rapidly identify similar content within files. Accelerate data visibility & insight on your enterprise data wherever it lives: on-prem, in the cloud, or a hybrid of both

Data Minimization
Identify what data to minimize, where duplicates and redundant data is, and prioritize high risk data.
Visualize similar and duplicate data – and gain insight and understanding across large data sets across your data environment for strategic data minimization.

Accelerate Cloud Migration
Accelerate cloud migration with intelligent data rationalization for the cloud (including O365, AWS, GCP, and more). Improve data hygiene, identify what should and shouldn’t move to the cloud at a glance, and cut down on cost by consolidating redundant data.