Cross-Border Data Transfer Management and Personal Data Protection
See how BigID helps organizations — discover, map, tag, catalog, and take action on cross-border data transfers to achieve compliance.
Compliance with Cross-Border Data Transfers: Scope & Challenges
Cross-border data transfers refer to the movement of data from one country to another, either physically or digitally. The scope of cross-border data transfers can vary widely, depending on the nature of the business and the data being transferred.
Addressing the challenges of data transfers requires a multi-faceted approach, including implementing appropriate data protection measures, cybersecurity protocols, and technical standards.

Identify critical, sensitive, and business data to better manage cross-border transfer risk. Maintain an up-to-date (and accurate) understanding of what data is collected, stored, processed, and may be at risk when transferred to a different region.
Apply residency to data sources and individual data with OOTB policies to monitor & alert on cross-border data transfers. With BigID, organizations can assess, validate, report, and remediate information by data jurisdictions for compliance with data transfer requirements.
Discover, document, and report on data processing activities to assess data assets, locations, third-party sharing, and data transfers. BigID helps organizations automate data flow to map data processing, secure cross-border data transfers, and validate third-party data sharing.
Protect data and maintain compliance with privacy risk assessments (PIA) to evaluate all data transfers. BigID manages privacy risk assessments to estimate the risk associated with data inventory (owner, geography, purpose, stored, used, shared, and maintained) to comply with cross-border transfer requirements.
Reduce risk by managing access to sensitive data, which provides a safeguard to protect personal information during data transfers. Quickly identify overexposed data and overprivileged user access to specific data types based on geolocation and accessibility rights.

Fulfill Cross-Border Transfer Requirements
- Leverage Deep Data Discovery
- Improve Data Quality
- Define Policies for Data Transfers
- Conduct Privacy Risk Assessments
- Mitigate Data Transfer Risk
- Monitor Cross-Border Transfers
- Enforce Residency Requirements
- Fulfill Data Transfer Requirements

BigID Solutions for Cross-Border Data Transfers
RoPA Data Mapping App
Document all data processing activities, reduce risk, and comply with RoPA requirements.
Privacy Portal App
Get end-to-end data subject rights request intact and lifecycle management service.
Data Rights Automation
Automatically fulfill data rights reporting: leverage custom reports, consent governance, data deletion validation, and more.
PIA Automation
Identify, document, and minimize risk with Privacy Impact Assessments.
Data Deletion App
Automatically delete the “right” data for data subject rights and manage data retention policies.