In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity and data privacy, organizations continually seek solutions that are both robust and compliant with global regulations. It is a quest to not just protect data but also to manage it in a way that respects customer and employee privacy and adheres to regulatory requirements like GDPR, CCPA, and other emerging laws.

BigID has been recognized as a Leader in the IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Data Privacy Compliance 2023 Vendor Assessment (doc #US49841923, September 2023).

Criteria for Data Privacy Success

The IDC MarketScape’s comprehensive assessment takes into account a multitude of factors, ranging from technical capability to customer satisfaction. The IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Data Privacy Compliance Software 2023 Vendor Assessment outlines a number of critical capabilities, including automated data discovery and classification; advanced AI and ML; data security capabilities to protect customer and employee data; and more.

Unstructured Data is a Differentiator in the Data Privacy Space

Data privacy compliance relies on an organization’s ability to find, manage, govern, and protect personal data – whether customer, employee, friend, or foe – and that data is more often than not unstructured data (files, spreadsheets, notes, documents, etc.).

BigiD’s data discovery and classification for unstructured (and structured) data enable customers to get a jump start on their data privacy compliance with identity-aware data discovery & classification, automated dark data discovery, advanced data mapping, and comprehensive data visibility and control for unstructured, structured, and semi-structured data – across the cloud, on-prem, and everywhere in between.

One Platform for Privacy, Security, and Governance

According to the IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Data Privacy Compliance Software 2023 Vendor Assessment, “BigID is one tool that can be deployed by the CISO, general counsel (GC), and DPO to service all their data visibility and control needs”.

Customers interviewed for the report commented on BigID’s ability to scale in complex environments: “Customers report that BigID has the ability to handle companies of incredible scale and complexity.”

BigID’s data privacy compliance solutions are built on a foundation of ML-based data discovery and classification, with specific capabilities to fulfill data privacy requirements layered on top – including dynamic data mapping, data rights fulfillment, data deletion and risk remediation, RoPA & privacy impact assessments, consent and preferences management, access and permissions management, and more.

The Data Privacy Market

We believe BigID’s positioning as a Leader underscores our capabilities and commitment to providing innovative and differentiated data protection and privacy compliance solutions. In an age where data is the new currency, safeguarding it effectively is non-negotiable. See why BigID is a Leader in data privacy compliance in a 1:1 demo with our privacy and security experts.