Manage and Protect PHI for HIPAA Compliance
See how BigID helps health organizations — and any company subject to HIPAA regulations — discover, map, tag, catalog, and take action on all their protected health information.
HIPAA Overview: Scope and Challenges
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulates health care providers, health plans and insurers, health care clearinghouses, and businesses associated with health organizations.
The federal regulation defines and monitors “protected health information,” or PHI, plus electronic protected health information, or ePHI. PHI is any medical information — past, current, or future — that can identify an individual; or that is created, used, or disclosed in the process of providing health care services.
HIPAA regulations frequently change to adapt to new technologies and conditions.

Full Visibility and Coverage of Health Data with BigID
With BigID, companies can discover, manage, and catalog all of their sensitive PHI and ePHI across the entire organization — no matter how siloed — and enforce policy across all of their data, everywhere.
Companies need full visibility into all of their data — not just part of it. BigID provides broad coverage of unstructured, structured, and semi-structured data, big data, data in motion, and more — all in a single pane of glass.
Drive effective integration between data sources and infrastructures — and make integration and orchestration with other enterprise infrastructure simple and high-impact.
Maintain a comprehensive map of all PHI — on-prem and in the cloud — alert on violation risks, and be able to report on all sensitive patient data for HIPAA compliance.

Achieve HIPAA Compliance with BigID
- Leverage ML-based Classification
- Clean Up and Minimize Data
- Define Policies to Retain or Discard Data
- Reduce Risk
- Improve Data Quality
- Drive Effective Interoperability
- Integrate Consent and Preference Management
- Achieve Compliance for Privacy and Security Rules

Explore BigID Data Solutions for HIPAA Compliance
Discover all sensitive, dark, regulated, and health data that’s monitored by HIPAA.
Next-Gen Data Classification
Data classification reimagined for the modern data landscape.
Data Retention
Implement policy-driven retention management for all data, everywhere.
Data Remediation App
Enable remediation of high-risk, sensitive, dark, regulated, and health information.
Fulfill Data Rights Requests
Automate end-to-end data rights, quickly locate all PHI and ePHI for an individual, and manage subject access requests at scale.
File Access Intelligence App
Identify open and overprivileged data access across data center and cloud.