Insider Risk Management
Detect & mitigate insider risk across your entire data landscape
Reduce Insider Risk
Take a proactive approach to insider risk management: understand what data you have, what you need to protect, who has access, and lock it down. Design and manage policies based on risk and behavior, employ zero trust, and improve your security posture.

Solutions for Insider Risk Management
- Discover sensitive, critical, regulated, dark, & shadow data across your entire environment
- Classify by risk, type, sensitivity, and more
- Flag, tag, and label high risk & vulnerable data
- Automatically find overexposed data & overprivileged users
- Reduce access on sensitive & high risk data
- Remediate over-permissioned users
- Automatically identify risks in your environment
- Manage security alerts by case, policy, type and more
- Investigate, drill down, and resolve cases by severity
- Eliminate data exposure & protect your sensitive data
- Remediate data & access by sensitivity, type, policy, and more
- Reduce risk on overexposed data & overprivileged users
- Maintain an audit trail with advanced reporting to track progress