CCPA Gets Real: Finding Your Way Out of the Weeds

latest CCPA requirements. This is precisely the objective that BigID was founded to achieve. We’ve helped companies who see compliance as a stepping stone to a comprehensive privacy strategy, and…

Navigating GLBA Compliance: A Comprehensive Guide

…the customer or a representative of the financial institution. Penalties for non*]}*-compliance The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) imposes penalties for non*]}*-compliance, which can be severe for financial institutions that fail to

SOAR Simplified: Unlocking the Efficiency of SecOps

…swift response, reducing the window of vulnerability. Streamlined Workflows and Collaboration: SOAR facilitates seamless collaboration and information sharing among security teams. It provides a centralized platform for communication, task assignment,…

Insider Risk: Managing Threats From Within

…A few “bad actors” Insider risk isn’t just the rogue employee downloading 10,000 files on a Friday night before handing in their notice on Monday, but a data entry person

The 8 Hidden Costs of a Data Breach: Insights from the 2024 IBM Report

…Business: AI isn’t just a nice-to-have—it’s becoming essential for modern cybersecurity. If your organization isn’t leveraging AI-powered tools for threat detection, response, and even predictive analytics, you’re leaving millions on

Meeting GDPR Data Subject Rights Through Automation

Some of the new EU GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) privacy requirements can seem daunting at first blush to a company that is subject to them. Unlike SOX for example…

Top 10 Privacy Concerns for 2023

…secondary-use The Data Protection Commission of Ireland has taken action in the Meta cases, where it was found that companies were using personal information for purposes that were not aligned…

5 Reasons Why Personal Data Protection Needs Identity

…processes for users and customers impacted by the exposure of their private data. With privacy concerns now paramount for both consumers and enterprises now compelled to meet new compliance requirements,…