Know Your Data in Amazon S3

Discover sensitive and personal data in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)

How Amazon S3 and BigID Work Together

BigID discovers, identifies, and classifies sensitive and personal information stored in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3 buckets), which includes a data object’s content and metadata.

Leveraging an agentless connector, BigID identifies personal and sensitive information within the content and access status in the metadata, giving you the option to scan only a random 5% subset of the lines in the S3 data files so you save time and bandwidth.

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Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)


Easy to Use and Low Cost

Simplifies functions and provides an inexpensive way to store and transfer data in and out of 3rd party networks.



Encrypts data automatically upon upload; lets you control access and configure permission policies.


Durable and Robust

Replicate data over multiple objects and devices for data accessibility, easy recovery, and minimal loss.


Flexible and Scalable

Achieve S3 implementations in minutes, secure millions of objects, and respond nimbly to fluctuations in demand.


Smooth Integration

Facilitate rapid integration of the S3 platform with external components and technologies.


Simple Migration

Easily move information onto and off of the cloud in a straightforward, intuitive way.

About S3

Amazon S3—or Amazon Web Services Simple Storage Service—is a leading cloud storage platform that provides object storage through a simple web service interface. It is designed to make web-scale computing easy while enabling storage and retrieval of any quantity of data—wherever, whenever.

S3 provides developers access to the same data storage infrastructure that Amazon uses to run its own global network of sites. This means developers and IT teams have access to the same scalable, reliable, quick, and low-cost framework as Amazon. 

Storing data as objects lets companies collect, analyze, and retrieve sizable quantities of information from diverse platforms. These include websites, mobile apps, custom apps, and other devices. With S3, you control access to bucket contents. For instance, you manage who can create, retrieve, or delete objects residing in the bucket.
